Vi minns jordbävningen 25 april 2015
Det är nu drygt ett år sedan Nepal drabbades hårt av den första stora jordbävningen som skördade tusentals liv och lämnade ett svårt skadat Nepal. Rita Kharel delar med sig av sina tankar vid årsdagen, 25 april. I vanlig ordning är hennes ord fulla av klokhet och omtanke.
”It was really a big disastrous earthquake April 25 last year. Nepal used this day this year to remember the soul of people who lost their life in the earthquake. And it has also taught lesson to not forget and take everything for granted, not life neither nature and to be thankful to what we have. The earthquake slowed down every one’s life this year but in a way it was a quick year actually that moved on so fast, talking about the incident of the earthquake often.
For BAS it was lucky that all of us were saved. And it was lucky to be backed by BAS in Sweden through so many helpful hands that the BAS-building could easily and very soon recover from its structural damages. But there are still so many people and places that are yet to recover from this trauma. Our heartfelt regards to all of them and wishes that everything will be all right this year. And a very warm thank you to all who helped in every little way to act as a back force for BAS and for Nepal.
Kindest Regards, Rita Kharel”
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BAS Bankgiro 434-9866
BAS Handelsbanken Kontonummer: 6757-754400522