Ny stor jordbävning drabbade Nepal idag

_82928316_82928315I morse drabbades Nepal återigen av en kraftig jordbävning, skalvet uppmättes till 7,4 på Richterskalan. Det redan hårt drabbade Nepal som sedan den 25 april har haft hundratals efterskalv har återigen blivit utsatt för ännu en svår naturkatastrof.
Vi söker nu febrilt efter Rita och familjen Kharel på plats i Kathmandu. Enligt uppgift ligger tfn-nätet nere och än så länge har vi inte kunnat nå BAS Nepal.

Så här beskrev Rita läget i Kathmandu igår:

Thank you very very much for all your efforts, to all the kind Swedish people for their such great help and cooperation. We are really very thankful to every one for their such strong presence and support. It has become like strong back bone for us in this difficult time. 
It has already been 16 days now and still there are after shakes. Yesterday there were 5 shakes above 4 rector scale. Death toll has crossed 8000 people. And today too we have felt many. It is not taking any name to stop. The number of shakes has gone down but the these days it feels more longer and stronger shakes than every passing day. There are still news of the houses falling down from the aftershakes. 
In BAS house too we have noticed the new crack on the ceiling of both the rooms of the top floor. We had not seen anything there.  But now we see some cracks. We do not know if it was there from the first quake and we missed noticing it or if it is new and is there after these many aftershakes. We will send you some pictures of this tomorrow. 
It seems it will take longer to examine the house. It is such rush time for the authority at the moment. 
People want to return back to the normal life but it has not taken the speed yet. 
School in Kathmandu had said to be closed till Thursday and reopen it from Friday as it is the day 1 of next month but let’s see if they will reopen or not as it is shaking till now and not every school has made their building examined. 
But we think we will bring back the children and everyone back to the shelter from the farm. They have lot congestion and difficulty there. If we bring the children now we will make all their stay arrangement in the ground floor. This is a thought for now, we shall work as the time suggests.
Vi återkommer med besked så snart vi vet mer om läget hos BAS och om hur dagens jordbävning har drabbat och påverkat dem.
// Maria Leiner
Ordförande BAS Sverige

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